So it is January and time for a change, but where to start? Why not kick off with a new hairstyle? New Year - new hairdo. But just what to do? And where to get that all - important hair inspiration? We would recommend some pleasurable browsing through the best picks from this year's Golden Globes, courtesy of this great article in VOGUE. Awards Season has well and truly kicked off and we just love it! If ever there is a way to get the latest #hairinspiration for the year ahead - this is it! Happy Browsing!
So if you have now been truly inspired and are looking to take your new look a step further, why not think about a change in your hair colour? The following article has some fantastic tips as to what is hot and what is not! So check it out HERE! Some great hair colour inspiration here & we are especially excited about the Buttery Blonde, "Cuivre" Red and the Deliberate Roots!
Or to set you on your way in one easy step, you could pop in and VISIT us in the salon for a consultation and we will set you on your journey to a new your for 2016!
For appointments Call (01) 287 2440.
Happy New Year!
Des, Loretto & All The Team at VISIT
